пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

causes of smelly urine

I feel like writing something. I donapos;t have much in particular to write about, but itapos;s my journal and Iapos;ll do what I like with it.
I think I prefer writing to speaking. Most people who donapos;t know me very well would tell you that I donapos;t speak a lot anyway (you have no idea how sick I am of being the "quiet person"). Writing just comes out better for me; sentences look nicer than they sound, and writing means I donapos;t drop a "like" in between every other word. It takes longer, but thatapos;s probably a good thing - it means I have more time to think about whatever is being written. If I write something wrong, or that could be improved, I can cross it out, or backspace a couple of times, and nobody will ever know. The same canapos;t be done after Iapos;ve said something I donapos;t like.

Before I go and find some other way to waste my time, I have one thing to moan about: I mentioned last week that Iapos;d had my braces removed. I went back to the orthodontist this monday and they fitted a retainer, which is basically just a plastic covering that goes over my teeth. The only problem is that I canapos;t eat with it in, and I have something against doing this in public, which means I canapos;t eat at school. So Iapos;ve had to skip lunch four days in a row and unless I change my mind Iapos;ll have to until January. Wonderful.

causes of smelly urine, causes of smallpox, causes of small fiber neuropathy, causes of small cell lung cancer.

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